Module 4: Who am I?

As a young, non-spiritual, career-driven woman, Marisa experienced a series of crashes, both professionally and personally which led to a spiritual awakening she never expected. In a matter of years, she experienced the death of her long- time, co-dependent boyfriend, suffered through the struggling real estate market crash as a loan officer, and eventually had to deal with a series of seizures that would lead to a serious car accident and outer-body experience. It was THIS that would leave her asking “Who AM I?” and her never-ending journey to understand what this life is about and who we all are in it! Though this journey in discovering self something happened. A connection with her spirit, higher self, and God began to take over her life and while she searched for who she was found that she was much more than just Marisa she was her Higher Self, her I am self, her spirit, her ego, her emotional body, her mental body and so much more. Now it’s her passion to lead others through the journey she went through but teach them to avoid the pitfalls most new spiritual students fall into. When you follow this road map in self discovery years will be shaved off the time it takes to develop the gifts that Marisa has and openly teaches others to develop.

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